We are delighted to interview Raphaëlle Menajovsky, BrandAlley France Purchases Director.

What is the activity of BrandAlley?

BrandAlley is a e-merchant specialized in fashion great brands (men, women, kids, beauty, home) in private sales and catalogue, with important discounts up to -80%.

On which e-marketing channels do you position yourselves and why?

BrandAlley is present on all the following channels: affiliate platforms, SEM, SEO, retargeting and so on. We are visible on all these channels in order to catch the most new registered persons possible.

What are the daily problems encountered in this type of feed management?

Our private sales activity, with short length and quickly changing stocks, makes complicated to put our products forward.

How did Lengow help you to solve these problems?

When we just started using Lengow, it helped us to structure our products feed. Now the solution helps us daily to exchange our catalogue information (brands, products, prices, stocks) with our partners.

What features proposed by Lengow help you to go further in these marketing campaigns?

Lengow allows us to deeply follow the results by products categories, which enables us to act differently regarding their results. We can therefore optimize our purchase costs.

Why did you choose the Lengow’s solution?

Lengow is a well-known solution on the market and is used by most of the actors. It allows us to get quickly in touch with them.

What piece of advice would you give to an e-tailer looking for listing on comparison shopping sites/affiliate platforms?

Using Lengow, definitely!