For several months, Lengow has offered online retailers the capability to dynamically create newsletters using their product catalogues.

It made sense that these retailers should also have the ability to send their customers their best product offers by email!

In each newsletter created, the retailer can determine which products will be included and, using an HTML template, define the colours and format.

In addition, Lengow has now launched its emailing routing module in Beta version!

We have gone even more technologically in-depth by adding an email routing API for email management software including MailChimp, YourMailingListProvider and CampaignMonitor!

Retailers can now generate product-based newsletters using their catalogues and send them to their customers directly from Lengow!

Within Lengow, the creation and management of emailing campaigns is pushed to the maximum:

- Creation of unlimited newsletters
- Management of newsletter templates
- Management of newsletter drafts
- Management of “press-ready” newsletters
- Choice of segments
- Import statistics of sent newsletters

Thanks to this tool, the creation/optimization/distribution of email campaigns can be done quickly and easily!

With MailChimp, YourMailingListProvider and Campaign Monitor, Lengow covers most of the mail routing on the market, with many more to come!

With this new module, Legow offers another innovative tool within the solution which allows retailers to centralize all their webmarketing campaigns.