Lengow has been proposing for a few months to index quickly and easily your products on eBay.

In order to sell more and better, eBay advises etailers to personalize their shop to offer Internet users the closest brand’s environment.

Because you don’t necessarily have time or means to realize your eBay shop’s own design, Lengow makes available a gallery of templates, totally free, within its solution.

Lengow puts forward a list of several templates (including a choice of colors) to create the closest design to your shop.

Then, you just have to implement this design to all your adverts. This way, your adverts on eBay will immediately come out with the colors chosen design.

Each template includes each advert’ element in order to integrate in the design important information such as the title, the description, the price and postage.
Therefore, you will be able to fund these elements as you want and personalize even more your template.

Lengow also offers, with these templates, a HTML kit to put in your eBay BackOffice in order to design your entire eBay shop.

Now available within the solution, lengow will very soon offer several dozens of free templates!